Happy Halloween!:
I have been crazy slack lately. I didn't do a special update for Valentines Day, the comic's anniversary or my birthday... but I'll be damned if I miss a Halloween update.
So let's get to it. The first panel features Irving dressed as a Corporate Ninja from Sam and Fuzzy and Scott dressed as While Ninja, about to do battle over a Namir Deiter brand pinata. Normally I don't "repeat" comics for costumes but Sam and Fuzzy was only used in my first Halloween special back in 2003, and that costume just plain sucked. So consider this a do-over.
In the second panel we have from left to right; Jason dressed as Blazeguy from Awesome Storm Justice 41 Svetlana dressed as Mitzi from Lackadaisy Vanilla dressed as Wonderella from the comic of the same name, how convenient! Mycroft dressed as Lancaster from Lancaster the Ghost Detective (which is in it's final chapter so GO READ IT NOW) and Harley dressed as Kimiko Ross from Dresden Codak.
As always, the likenesses (and in some cases poses) used in this comic are meant as parody and tribute to great comics. I don't tell the artists I've done this, but I hope that if someone does mention it on one of their forums or something that they enjoy it and don't hate me forever. That would make me cry.
Posted on 11:51 PM
Apologies for the delays.:
I've been rather lax with my comic updates lately. And it hasn't been because they weren't drawn; I've had two of them done for almost a month now and a third started, plus other sketches and such done as well. The main problems are that I don't really like inking them, and that I have to go use a slower, clunky, resetting, memory-leaking computer (with no internets) to scan, edit and format them. Well the latter problem is coming to an end.
This weekend I bought one of those 3 in 1 printers at an auction; scanner, printer and photocopier. It's a HP Photosmart C4280. I don't know if it's really all that good or not but it's definitely newer than my Acer A6SE or whatever it was called. And more importantly; it works on the XP computer where the Acer did NOT.
So it'll take me a little while to sort out scanning in black & white and greyscale as well as resolutions and whatnot, but at least you'll be seeing sketches more frequently. I think I have a copy of Adobe Photoshop 7 somewhere, I guess I'd better get to work installing that, and transferring / re-downloading my favorite fonts.
The dancing girl I drew at the auction.
Posted on 12:19 AM
Aug 20, 2006:
Hooray for an actual update. Being lazy and busy, and it's 5 hours before I have to get up for work so I'll keep this short and sweet.
- Lancaster the Ghost Detective comes back today. You should be pumped in learning this fact because it is an awesome comic. This is the final chapter but don't fret if you haven't been reading it; the archives are filled with fantastic stuff. GO GO GO. - We bid adieu to Matt Trepal's Fight Cast or Evade, which will no longer be updating. Sorry to see you go buddy. - Girly started updating again this month, which is pretty super. Josh Lesnick makes a damn fine comic and you should be reading it. - Got an extra few bucks burning in your pocket? Go donate some money to the Marks' and get yourself a subscription to Namir Deiter dot net. It's got comic commentary, bonus comics and site-only comics and artwork you can't find anywhere else. Plus you get access to past bonus comics, the wallpaper gallery and a tag board. And that's not all! Donate now and you'll help pay for medicine to keep a kitten from sneezing and help prevent it's eyes from watering. - The Adventures of Kyle and Josh was on a bit of a hiatus but are now back with a vengeance. It's a great comic and illustrated by friend and busty female type Stephanie Krus. Also I owe Josh $25 US. - The MSF High book is out! There's some of my cruddy art in it from 2005. Go go buy and donate.
Why am I still up of God the things I do for you people arg.
Posted on 2:43 AM
Plugged Nickel is hosted on Comic Genesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics. "Plugged Nickel", artwork and characters are © Ronald MacKinnon 2001 - 2006. Additional characters and images are © their respective creators and owner companies. Webpage design by Bailey Pilling 2005